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Nicolai Y Foong, M.D. -  - OBGYN

Nicolai Y Foong, M.D.

OBGYN & Women's Health located in Alhambra, CA & Arcadia, CA

If you want to terminate a pregnancy, OB/GYN specialist Nicolai Foong, M.D., at his private practice in Alhambra and Arcadia, California, performs first-trimester medical and surgical abortions. If you’re interested in learning more about these procedures and determine if they’re right for you, call his office or schedule an appointment online today.

Abortion Q & A

What are abortions?

Abortions performed with Dr. Foong include medical and surgical abortions. These procedures can end a pregnancy if you don’t want to be pregnant, your baby has a medical problem, or pregnancy increases your risk of a life-threatening condition. 

Knowing more about abortions can help you decide whether the procedure is the best option for you.

What are the different types of abortions?

The two types of abortions available at the office of Nicolai Foong, M.D., include:

Medical abortions

A medical abortion uses medicine to end your pregnancy. It helps remove your baby and its placenta from your uterus. Dr. Foong offers you prescription hormone medications that cause your body to eliminate fetal tissue. 

During the abortion, you can expect moderate to heavy bleeding and cramping for a few hours, along with vaginal bleeding and mild cramping for a few days after that. Dr. Foong can offer you additional drugs to relieve nausea or pain and increase your sense of comfort during a medical abortion. Plan to take it easy for a day or two.

Surgical abortions

During a surgical abortion, Dr. Foong removes your baby and placenta from the uterus by dilating it and suctioning fetal material into a vacuum-like tube. He and his team can first give you medicine that makes you sleepy and relaxed, and he numbs your cervix to maximize comfortability. 

He may also give you medication to take after the procedure to make your uterus contract or reduce the risk of infection. Follow all post-care instructions after a surgical abortion.

Is an abortion right for me?

To learn more about abortion and determine if it’s the right decision for you, Dr. Foong reviews your medical history, completes a physical examination, and discusses your lifestyle and preferences. He reviews the pros and cons of each type of abortion and lets you know what to expect during the procedure.

The decision to have an abortion is often a life-changing and difficult one. To learn more about abortion at the office of Nicolai Foong, M.D., call or schedule an appointment online today.